Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year's Resolutions - 2013


I like the ring of 2013.  I played fastpitch softball through my childhood and in college (still do recreationally), and my "number" was 13, or 31 when that was taken.  It's fairly silly, but I will be 31 years old through the majority of 2013, so I hope that bodes well for this coming year!
  • FINANCES: Find a way to generate some cash.  Doing it on one income since quitting my job, with the addition of the baby, has been a challenge.  It would be really helpful if I could somehow make a little dough, at least enough for a mani/pedi or dinner out, guilt free.  I think These vague goals don't end up doing much good unless I can figure out a way to apply it, so this resolution will need some fine tuning.
  • FITNESS:  Focus on getting strong and healthy.   My fitness during my pregnancy was good until 32 weeks, when I was put on strict bedrest until I delivered.  Then, recovering from a major abdominal surgery and getting situated with a newborn ... you know the story.  I feel out of shape, and as a former athlete and resident of plant Earth, I have a hard time with that.  I'm rededicating myself to getting in shape and feeling strong, and there is no better way to do it than via group fitness.  I am starting a fitness bootcamp 3x a week, really early in the morning on January 7, but am also likely going to invest in a fitbit to track my overall steps per day.  I want to get back to my pre-Everett weight before TTC #2.  Yoga, hiking, and softball are also in my immediate future.
  • FAMILY:  Go on a killer vacation for cheap.  Finding a way to take a baby on vacation is challenging, but doing it on the cheap while still keeping the luxuries that make it a relaxing vacation seems like a tall order.  With a lot of time and planning, I hope to be able to take a really nice vacation in June or July.  I will keep you posted.
  • SOCIETY:  Give back.  I don't do enough for my fellow man.  I got really caught up in my own life and made just enough room for my own family and friends to really look much outside that last year.  It used to be really important to me to make a difference in the world, and I feel like I have lost sight of that in just trying to get by, but that's not cool, man.  Again, another amorphous resolution, but I hope I can find small personal ways to make it happen.  I'm going to try.
  • PERSONAL:  Keep creating.  I love crafting and DIY.  It's a great energy outlet and a good way to get things done for less cash than they otherwise would cost.  I have a few plans for around the house and a few more for things for Everett.  Also, food is a huge creative outlet for me, and now that I'm the proud owner of Modernist Cuisine at Home, I have a wealth of new ideas.


Last year was just craziness. We had pregnancy to deal with (and I was not Super Cheerful Active Pregnant Lady), a major home renovation, then the huge transition to parenthood. It was wild and wonderful and exhausting. I'm looking forward to a year of new habits and my goals this year are to do things that will make life less stressful and more rewarding.

  • Patrick and I will both be slipping pedometers into our pockets. We're not in a place in our life to take on marathons or PX90. But walking, walking we can do. For now, we're just going to monitor our movements and then move more. 
  • Try more vegetable recipes. I've never met a cut of meat I didn't like but I'm in a sad rut with vegetables-- I either toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper, then roast them at 425 until golden or saute them in a little butter and garlic. It's boring and we need to eat more vegetables! 
  • Save more so I can work less. After a few difficult months of adjustment, I am very, very glad that I've kept working but I know I am going to have to work less as Georgia moves more. I also get a kick out of thriftiness but it takes time and careful attention. I need to do things like shop around for auto insurance, renegotiate our rates for internet service, and automate both bill paying and savings as much as possible.
  • Plan thoughtful weekly menus. I love the nights when Patrick comes home from work, he takes the baby, and I head into the kitchen to cook. It's a time for me to do something useful that also puts me into a really great head space, but this doesn't happen when I am scrambling to put something together. Planning will help me have this pleasure more often.
  • Do my nails more often. I don't want to tell you how many bottles of nail polish I own. Before Georgia, my fingertips were freshly painted 2, 3, even 4 times a week. Since Georgia arrived, I've managed to give myself a manicure three times. Since we're past the phase of my fingers being her mouth frequently, I'm going to start manicuring my nails again. It's such a small thing but it makes me feel good.

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